It's time to get inspired about your health.

We want 2020 to be the year you finally make your mental and physical health a top priority. We’ve put together an amazing team and a proven program of exercises for you to expand your human potential.

Let our team of professionals be your guide.

We offer structured and dynamic group sessions. We are also happy to work directly with clients to help you align your mind and body to get the most of your human experience. Luke, Shayne, Josh, Jacob, Tate, and Cole are here to instruct and guide you on your journey towards lasting physical and mental health.

We've got training for everyone.

Primitive Patterns is proud to offer workouts and sessions for people at all points of their fitness journey. Join us for group sessions held locally at Sunset Point and Blue Mountain, or enrol in licensed one-on-one coaching with one of our experts. We’re happy to work directly with you to find the best combination of movement and lifestyle changes for your personal health goals, helping you maximize your human experience.


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